Campaign updates - website, media appearances, clubs, field day

It's been a busy week! The outpouring of support has been truly immense. More importantly, the locals in Hudson division have been throwing their support behind my campaign. This is a very good sign. I do especially appreciate the financial support, but even if you can't contribute financially, please do spread the word.

However, there is still much work to do.

First of all, the website is in full swing at

Look there for details of my platform and how you can help.

Yesterday (06/19) I made an appearance on HamRadioNow, which is a video web talk show.

Here it is:

I got some great feedback.

I do truly want to be a director who engages her division. You, the division member will be my first duty. Yes, I will have a duty to the league, but the league is you and not some faceless corporation handing down edicts without regard for your opinion.

I want to be a director for every radio amateur. Gary made a comment about diversity. Truthfully, I wish that more people like me would be involved. I definitely hope that more women, minorities and younger amateurs are encouraged to get involved. However, I wish to represent everyone. This means that every member's opinions matter equally, and everyone's enjoyment of this hobby matters equally. It also extends to the kinds of activities you enjoy in Amateur Radio. This hobby/service is not just one thing. We all enjoy different things. In league governance we must strike the balance. This means that contesters and DXers are equals with emcomm volunteers and rag chewers. I think that some of this has been largely lost, and I'd like to see a return to inclusivity.

This weekend is field day, and I have visits to various radio clubs scheduled. Saturday I'll be at the Sussex County ARC, then Fair Lawn ARC. I'll also visit WECA field day site. Sunday I'll be at the QSY society and maybe back at Sussex. Busy? Yep.

I'll also be at the Kings County Radio Club (KCRC) on July 3 at 8 PM. Meeting info is here:

That's it for now!

Ria, N2RJ


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