YLRL convention

Less than 2 months from now, a group of dedicated women amateur radio operators (YLs) will convene in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma for the YLRL convention 2018. This year the convention was organized by YLRL district 5. Thanks especially to the hard work of Michelle Carey, W5MQC and Leah Ohse, W3LEO.

I will be a speaker and talking about digital modes in amateur radio. I'll be talking about both HF modes and VHF/UHF modes. It will be a fun presentation, and it is something I enjoy doing.

Andrea Slack, K2EZ will be talking about her rover operation. Should be fascinating.

Carol Milazzo, KP4MD will also be talking about DXpeditions and her amateur radio adventures.

NASA research scientist Nancy Hall, KC4IYD will also be in attendance and speaking at the banquet. This will be very exciting! Nancy is a true role model to women, especially girls looking to get into STEM fields.

Many amazing women will be here and if you are a YL, it's a great way for you to network as well.

OMs? You can attend with a YL, but there are separate OM activities available.

For more info, go to http://www.ylrlconvention.org.

See you there!

33, Ria, N2RJ
YLRL District 2 chair


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